Day 27, July 11, 2015, Fillobal

Yesterday and today to tough days of going uphill. (Reached our last high points of our journey) Felipe fell and we were scared that it was bad but it wasn't  (arnica and a wrap worked like a miracle)

Yesterday and today two tough days of going uphill. (Reached our last high points of our journey) Felipe fell and we were scared that it was bad but it wasn’t (arnica and a wrap worked like a miracle)

We found this very interesting grasshopper that travelled on Felipe's stick for a while. We have seen very interesting animals!

We found this very interesting grasshopper that travelled on Felipe’s stick for a while. We have seen very interesting animals!

Day 26, July 10, 2015, O Cebreiro

Entering into Galicia. Our last section before arriving into Santiago

Entering into Galicia. Our last section before arriving into Santiago

Felipe is amazed at how beautiful the mountains and the scenery is in Galicia

Felipe is amazed at how beautiful the mountains and the scenery is in Galicia


Lucas journaling with a view